The Doors
The story is about two men who live in their generation , and one day they just take a walk as usual and go back home. However, when they open the door, they see the decoration is different from their owns . They change to each other’s.
The better way to read this book is turning both side of the pages at the same time. I created the symmetry illustrations so that the readers can compare the different life of two characters.
- Illustrator: Star Cheng
- Year: 2013
- Categories: Illustration, Pop-up Book
Hand-made Book 手工書
This vision is one of the projects what I have made for master degree in Kingston University. The whole part of it is hand-made and print by HP printer. I really like the texture of cover. I forgot the name of this cover paper. I found it near the painting tool shop in Kingston town in London.

Publishing Book 印刷本
This vision is the one which self-publishing by crowdfunding in Taiwan in 2014. I change the texture of cover to canvas because the original one is too hard to keep it. And there is an ISBN now. “The Doors " becomes a real book.